Monday, March 30, 2009

WSU Campus Ministry Benefit Dinner

Justin and I volunteered to host a table at the Campus Ministry Benefit Dinner hosted at Simpson this Sunday night at 5pm.
Cost is $25/person, $50/couple, $60/family (children's dinner and activities provided downstairs).
If any of you are interested in joining us at our table, we'd love it. . . the cause is sound, the music and entertainment is provided by the WSU students and the meal, to our understanding, is provided by a former restauranteur.
If interested, contact Peggy Ray at

This week at PS -- April 2nd

  • Home Project (if you have things to exchange/share/etc. bring them -- it seemed to be a success last week) and "Chick Flick" 27 Dresses will play on a tv set in the big room or kitchen depending on where you want to watch the film (not the big screen since there is a sound-delay on the projection unit)
  • School age children on break are welcome at PS this week; we'll have some moms and kiddos gone so there is room
  • The WSU Women's Rugby team is still interested in raising funds for their tourney, feel free to contact Leah if you would like work done at your place at a rate of $9.00/hour
  • If anyone has an old round plastic garbage can or drum with a lid that you're looking to get rid of, let Lisa M know as her boys are looking to make a composter that they can poke holes in and then roll around a couple times a week
  • Thanks again to Andrea and Shelley J for volunteering to serve as C0-Leaders for the summer. We have Steering Committee next Monday and will have information for you regarding summer after that date.
  • Surveys are out, please fill one out next week.
  • Start thiking about how you'd like to serve PS in the fall and if you served as a team leader this year -- THANK YOU!!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Need some help around the house this weekend?

Rent - A - Rugger
Weekend Fundraiser

Workers and work teams available from
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday, March 28-29

The WSU Women's Club Rugby Team is having a fundraiser this weekend in order to raise money for travel expenses to participate in the Pacific Coast Rugby League Championship Tournament in California.

Members of the team will be available between the hours of 10:00 am through 6:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday, March 28th and 29th to help out community members with spring cleaning, yard work, babysitting, etc. at $9.00 an hour. Additional donations are graciously welcome! Please contact club vice president Leah Hammon with any questions or inquiries.

Contact Leah Hammon

Rent your Rugger today!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"Bolt" Free Movie at the WSU CUB Theatre

For those interested in some free family movie fun this weekend, check out the WSU CUB theatre schedule:
The Swenson and Marquart Families are shooting for the Sunday, 4pm showing and will caravan over from the Marquart's home (in case you want to join and might want to follow someone to the theatre/parking).
Here's a link to the trailer

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Card Party

Join other crafty moms and have so much fun making cards, learning new techniques and visiting with each other! If you love to make cards, you should join us. You just need to bring a sample of your card and enough supplies so everyone in the group can make your card too.

Sound like fun? RSVP to Diane.

Date, time and location to be determined once the group is set.

**Note: This Card Party is open to anyone! Not just Tuesday and Thursday PS moms. If you have friends who would like to join us... the more the merrier!**


Just a reminder to be diligent about hand-washing and general health.
A staff report went out to WSU on March 21st letting them know that there has been an increase in documented flu cases in the area and through WSU health.
Many physicians note that the time to be a bit more aware of exposure to illnesses occurs the first week and 1/2 that WSU students are back in town from travels (they come from all over and bring back various illnesses from their travels).

This week at PS -- March 26th

Good morning, ladies!
This week, March 26th at PS: Home Project (Child Dev. Lab kids have class pictures)
Next week, April 2nd: “Chick Flick” and Home Project (Kids off of Pullman School District Schedule due to Spring Break. PSD kiddos are welcome; please let Claire know if you plan on bringing additional children to PS). “Chick Flick” is yet to be chosen so shoot me an email if you are in possession of a “Must Show” flick.
See you later this week,

Misc: Pullman
- Bolt movie at the CUB (free)
- Cabaret Eve, Sat. night
- SUMC “Dinner with Friends”, Sat. night (various homes)

PS -- If you are expecting, could you shoot me your estimated due date?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Green Cleaning Recipes

A couple weeks ago, Alexandra Gorman shared with us several recipes for "healthier" cleaning options. Below are the recipes --- if you click on them they should get bigger and easier to read. Or try right clicking to save as a picture and print for your own use.

All of the reports and fact sheets are also available on the website:

Alex would be happy to answer any other questions if you need her:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pregnancy Books

What to Eat When You're Expecting
The Everything Pregnancy Book
The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy
. . . I'm doing a bit of housecleaning and these are on the 'share the wealth' list; let me know if you'd like one/all and they are yours.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Coeur d'Alene

Our family is visiting Coeur d'Alene for the first time over Spring Break. I'd love to hear restaurant, sightseeing, and children's activities recommendations..... Thanks.

Monday, March 9, 2009

This Thursday, March 12th

Good evening, Moms!
Hope all is well with each of you on this lovely count-down to Spring that only Good Ol’ Mother Nature can provide us with here in the Northwest.
A few updates:
- Program this week = Alexa Scranton will come to demonstrate how to mix your own ‘child/family safe cleaning products’. She will bring extra supplies, but if you have an empty spray bottle, bring it to help defray costs. If you have any questions shoot Robyn an email or give her a call. Also, if you have an extra funnel that could be used for the day, please bring it.
- Robyn will handle announcements this week as I’ll be out-of-town. Miss you! . . . capture the great info for me, will you? J
- Remember to sign-in when you arrive – we care about you and your kiddos and definitely want to be able to account for everyone should we have a fire-drill.
- If there is a 2 hour snow delay with Pullman Public Schools, PS will be cancelled. You can check the PSD website by 6am.
Hope all of you are well!!

PS – We’re still looking for some new blood to step-up and serve as this summer’s mentor leader. Let me know if this speaks to you! ;)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Garage Sale at Beasley

I thought I would pass this information I got through a listserv on to you:), Border 104, Talk Radio 1150 and Beasley Coliseum are teaming up to bring you the 4th Annual Palouse Area Garage Sale on Saturday May 2. We will open up all of Beasley Coliseum and for $15.00 per 10’ x 10’ space you can bring your stuff to Beasley Coliseum and sell it. Spaces sold out quickly last year so get in early if you would like to participate. Online registration begins Monday, April 6 at 8am. More information will be available soon at Keep checking!

What a great opportunity to have one location to bring all those garage and storage items and have people come to one place to both buy and sell items.Pass this on to your friends and neighbors. SATURDAY, MAY 2 FROM 8AM-1PM. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

Have a talent and looking for some extra cash?

I'm looking for a 'help area'.
We finished off a simple kid's play room downstairs and I'm looking for someone who can install some reused carpet.
Before I call someone else, I thought I'd check to see if any of you/your contacts would be interested in doing this and earning some extra cash in the process.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Volunteering with Kids?

Can anyone suggest volunteer opportunities in the Pullman area? Ideally, I am looking for family activities in which my sons (7 and almost 2) could also participate. However, even if you only have suggestions for "older" kids or adults, I'd appreciate hearing them. Thanks!

Borrow Snow Boots & Skis for this weekend?

We are heading to Schweitzer on Saturday with the 3 girls to ski. We want to take Aubree, 3 1/2 yrs old, skiing on the bunny hill. I expect that Aubree will ski for about 30 minutes and then she'll be done for the day. Does anyone have kids snow boots and skis I could borrow? Aubree wears a kids size 11.

If you don't have any boots or skis we could borrow, but know of a good place to rent them please let me know.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Good Guide

I followed one of the links that Dr. Hunt gave us for checking out personal care products and didn't find it very helpful, but I did a little hunting and found this site very helpful!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Movies in Pullman for March

Rumor has it that the Final Surprise Movie for the Winter Movie Series will be Inkheart. According to, this movie is rated PG for fantasy adventure action, some scary moments and brief language.

As Lisa posted earlier in February, WSU offers some free movies on campus. One that may be of interest to the youngsters in our families is Bolt. Bolt will be shown March 27-29 and is also rated PG for some mild action and peril. All films are FREE to students and the public (unless otherwise noted) and are shown in the CUB Auditorium. Showtimes are 6:00 and 9:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, unless otherwise noted.

Mamma Mia! Milk and Twilight are also offered at the CUB... mom's night out maybe?
See you at the movies!