Thursday, July 23, 2009

Yard Sale Fundraiser

I thought I would pass this along to those of you who might be like me: stuff to sell but not enough to have my own yard sale. This is a perfect, low stress, opportunity to maybe make some money and get rid of some stuff! This is a fundraiser for the Catholic church (set up much like the hospital's Mom to Mom sale). I am just going to cut and paste the advertisement in the bulletin:

Okay Everybody! Are you ready for more information about the new, the wonderful, the exciting parish-wide event that the Catholic Daughters are planning? It's our first-annual parish-wide YARD SALE!August 15th, 8 am-12 noon. Families may rent space around the church grounds (you'll get a table to use to display your stuff as well) and you can sell your stuff to returning students and families in the community. We will charge you a rental fee of 10 dollars for the space as the fundraiser. It will be a FUN time for all. You can arrive early on the 15th with your stuff to set up your space, OR we'll have the church open on Friday night the 14th with lovely CDA volunteers to assist you with setting up your sale-able items the night before, if that's more convenient. REGISTER NOW! E-mail or call Cecilia Koh,, 509-279-0801 or Claire Yenish, , 332-8215.

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