Saturday, December 20, 2008

Rock 'n' Roll Seattle

Just wanted to pass on that Rock 'n' Roll Marathons are coming to Seattle in 2009! This run is replacing the disappointing Seafair Marathon that had so many problems last year in 2008. But I digress, back to the good news - RNR Marathons have a band at every mile and each runner gets into an evening concert! They are suppose to be lots of fun and I am just excited that Seattle finally has one! The run is June 27th and the run starts in Tukwilla and ends at Qwest Field in Seattle.

For more information on this run, click here to go to RNR Seattle's website.

If you are on Facebook, they have a Fan Page, click here to join.

On a sidenote, curious about my outcome - click here to read about my greatest gift.

Seafair Half 2008
Me after finishing Seafair Half-Marathon in 2008.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Food for Fines at Neill Public Library

Do you have any fines at the Neill Public Library? Well if so, next week is the time to clear them. When I was in there this morning, I had my money ready to pay my wee fine and the nice gal behind the desk gave me the option of paying it now or waiting until next week and pay with food instead. 1) What a nice lady for telling me the options! and 2) What a great thing our library will do for our community!

Have any fines? Pay them with food!

No fines? You can still help out by bringing food to support those who need help.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

P.S. I Love You Scrub!


I am so pleased with the feedback I have received regarding the scrub's craft! I am just thrilled that so many of you enjoyed the craft. Believe it or not, I actually had a lot to say about the craft, but didn't - I was just so emotional that particular day. I appreciate that you all understand. So, I decided to blog about this once we were set-up in Canada and well, let's just say we were constantly busy - out of the hotel room by 9 AM and back at 11 PM. So, now I am back in the states and hanging at my parents for Thanksgiving. Here are some pictures from the show prep (at my house) and the show (the picture from the show is from the last day on Sunday and we had sold out of a lot by then): As you saw on craft day, scrubs are super fun and can be super easy to make! In fact, you probably have most ingredients in your house! For our scrubs we used:
  • 1/3 c Olive Oil
  • 1/6 c Jojoba Oil
  • 1/6 c Avocado Oil
  • 1 1/4c Sugar (White)
  • Fragrance/Essential Oil
You can substitute Olive Oil for all of the oil (2/3 c) or substitute other oils into the formula. You can use a combo of white and/or brown sugar. Additionally, you can use coloring - such as food coloring, micas, or other skin safe colorants. See below, for some fun scrubs and other products I did for a competition:
A note on Olive Oil... I prefer Olive Oil as a primary base just because it is mild and quite moisturizing. I originally started soapmaking with Olive Oil and am still partial to it today. Now, that is not to say there aren't other oils you can use.

Now a note on preservatives... we didn't add a preservative to the scrub at PS. When discussing the issue of preservatives with my husband, it is his understanding that a lot of water would have to penetrate the scrub in order to grow any "fuzzies" due to the nature of the sugar. I have had my test scrub I did for this class in my shower since last September and so far so good.

Interested in making your own now? Check out Bramble Berry. They have a host of fun ingredients in small and large sizes.

In closing, I would like to thank you all for allowing me to demonstrate and put together November's craft. I hope you had fun and learned something new!!

If you have any questions, you may always email me at

P.S. On a side note, I am overwhelmed with the support from this wonderful group regarding my upcoming surgery. I really can't possibly tell you how much your support means to me and my family. Thank you.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Game Night

Don't forget that next Friday night, November 14th, is game night at Amy's from 7-10. Bring a snack or dessert to share as well as your favorite drink as well as $5 for the Bunko prize pot. Please bring any game you'd like to play in addition to Bunko! We'll see you there!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New PS Food Blog!

The Tuesday gals came up with a great idea to have a blog that we can all post easy recipes on. Check it out at:

If you'd like to be a contributor, post a comment here or send me an email!

Free Pumpkins!

Free pumpkins... need I say more? :-)

Friday, October 10, 2008


Please bring blankets next week for the girl scout troup blanket drive. Their goal is 100 blankets. The blankets will all go to the Community Action Center before making their way to their new homes. Thanks!

Family Notebook "Recipe/Instructions"

Some of you asked for an outline of the family notebook organizer I use. So, here's the basic format:
Using a standard notebook with front pocket (one that can fit into a diaper bag/is easy to grab-and-go/etc) designate the following areas:

- Pocket:

  • incoming mail and items you need to turn-and-burn that week
  • a couple thank you cards with stamped envelopes
  • notepad/daily list spiral

- Section 1: Monthly calendars (I print mine from my Outlook program every few months -- whatever wasn't scheduled at printing, I simply add with pen/pencil)

- Section 2: Kid Info

  • Copy of Certificate of Live Birth (I need these in my notebook for travel reasons; airlines, etc. request copies for children)
  • A simple Medical Record Table on an 8.5 x 11 Sheet for each of my kids (Date, Height, Weight, Vaccine, Misc.)

- Section 3: Phone Lists with most frequently used lists in the front (I have Mom's Groups, Neighborhood, Preschool, Church, Our official contact list -- Christmas card/Business Peeps, and House -- business cards of anyone who has worked on our house in any capacity stapled to paper, and then just old contact lists that I use infrequently but sometimes still need to reference)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dinner In Minutes Night

So you don't feel like making dinner alone? Tada! Dinner in Minutes Night Out on Tuesday Oct. 14th from 7-9pm.

Please RSVP( or 509-397-2562) by Sunday the 12th so we can have headcount for Mike at Dinner in Minutes. Amy will try to bring October menus on Thursday or you can view menus at the website

Friday, October 3, 2008

October Books

Here are the titles and authors for the books I shared yesterday. Please come chat with me if you ever have any childrens' book questions.

The Biggest Pumpkin Ever by Steven Kroll

The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams

Halloween by Gail Gibbons (This is the author that writes books on anything from apples to airplanes and tools to toads!)

Froggy's Halloween by Jonathan London

Mouse's First Halloween by Lauren Thompson

Halloween Day by Anne Rockwell

Hoodwinked by Arthur Howard

Angelina's Halloween by Katharine Holabird

It's Pumpkin Time by Zoe Hall

Julius's Candy Corn by Kevin Henkes (Another great author... I found this one at the bottom of my bag that I forgot to share. I have it in a board book and it's available at but not at our local library. It's perfect for the younger ones - so cute!)

Enjoy some fun Halloween books with your kids!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

November's Craft!

I know it is the last day of September, but I want to be sure I am organized for November's Craft. So, my curiosity is if anyone has any allergies (when applied to your skin) to any of the following:
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Avocado Oil
  • Sugar
  • Fragrance Oils
You are definitely going to want to make sure you are at November's Craft (Nov. 13th) to make this luxurious sugar scrub for yourself... the perfect gift to yourself to take you through the holidays!!

Please email if you do have any allergies to the above at

Thank you! See you on Thursday!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

happy fall ladies!

i will be sending out invites but i do want to get the word out early about our family halloween party. it will be October 25th at 2 pm. look for details later

Ferdinand's 60th Celebration- Wed Sept. 24

Ferdinand's Ice Cream Shoppe is having a 60th anniversary celebration on Wednesday, September 24th.

60 cent ice cream cones from 11am - 3pm
Free balloons for kids

Sounds like it could be a nice (and cheap) treat for kids and moms. Unfortunately my kids nap during those times, but I thought I'd pass it along.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You gotta' go here and check these out!

Cyber Bullying Presentation - Pullman

On Tuesday, September 23, students at Lincoln Middle School will be participating in one of three grade level assemblies about cyber bullying. The program is presented by StandUp! spokesperson Shanterra McBride, a nationally renowned speaker. The program is designed to educate students about this relatively modern form of bullying and give them tools to prevent it. Ms. McBride will also host a question and answer session for staff right after school.

At 6:30 p.m. Tuesday evening, Lincoln Middle School will host Ms. McBride in a session for parents. This program is designed to educate parents about these uses and abuses of technology and to offer preventative strategies for families. As a part of the evening program, District Technology Coordinator Garren Shannon will outline other available resources targeting cyber bullying and general internet safety. Please consider attending this important presentation. If you have any questions, please contact Bill Holman at 334-3411 or
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday night.
Cameron and Bill

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dinner in Minutes

Anyone interested in going to Dinner in Minutes this month?

I just looked at the September menu and found several delicious choices:

Make Your Own Calzones, 3 Cheese Lasagna Roll Ups, Chicken Brushetta, Napa Valley Meatloaf, and more!

For the complete list of 12 choices, take a look at their website:

Letter Website for Our Kids

Sandi Duncan sent me this website and it's looks pretty fun!

Moms Night Out

Event: Wine Bar
Date: September 19, 2008
Time: 7 pmLocation: 245 SE Paradise Pullman, WA
Description: That's Mom's Night Out, for those of you who forgot! Come share a glass of wine, have dessert, or just relax and chat at the Wine Bar. We have reserved the private room so that we can enjoy the company of our PS Friends.
Please RSVP as soon as possible (by this Wednesday) if you are coming! Call Amy #509-397-2562 or e-mail:

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Little Mermaid at Beasley Coliseum

The 2008-2009 WSU Family Series just sent out their lineup for this year. The first show offered is The Little Mermaid performed by the Missoula Children's Theater. There are two shows at 3pm and 7pm on Saturday, October 4. Tickets prices are $6.50 for adults and $4.50 for kids.

I just checked and it said "tickets soon." Keep the rest of us posted if you see that the tickets become available.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Fall Registration Is Now Due

Please take a moment to let me know your plans for the fall. If you do plan to join us, please mail in your brochure or drop it by my home. If you won't be joining us, will you please let me know either via post here or email?

The Steering Committee will be meeting to plan for the Fall Session on Monday, August 18... a response before then would be greatly appreciated!

If you need another brochure either for yourself or a friend, there will be extras at the church, at the Neill Public Library, as well as other various locations around town.

Thanks so much and I look forward to seeing you in the fall!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Home Video Software?

Can you guys recommend a software program for editing home videos?
I'm currently using Windows Movie Maker which is terrible with Windows Vista. It is constantly freezing up. So I want to purchase a different program, but have no idea what to get. Do you know of a program that is easy to use and not too expensive?

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Magination Press

Palouse Pediatrics recommended this site for ordering books related to various issues children encounter. The site and books are an outreach of the American Psychological Association.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Are your children in love with you too?

So, given my last email, I have to say, "My kids LOVE me!" How about you?
Yes, according to recent research, the fact that our young children can throw tantrums around us is a sign that they trust us and can be completely authentic with us.
Ah, shucks.
. . . if you want to read up on this and other early-childhood research/info, visit
PS -- thanks for the initial feedback my sweet comrades and 'cheers'!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Emotional Intelligence?!!!

OK, you fabulous moms. . .
Scenario: Boy. Almost 5. Goes from calm and loving to whiny, tearful and argumentative in 2 seconds flat.
Mom: Going nuts.
Question: Is this normal?!
Thanks, Lisa

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Circus- June 18th

A friend passed this along to me (she found the coupons at Pizza Hut). I wanted to share with all of you.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Amber Alert Day....

Hello everyone!! Just wanted to pass on some info. I heard on the radio yesterday. In support of the Amber Alert system, they are having an event at the Daily Grind, I assume on Main St., this Saturday from 10am - 1pm. They will be doing photographs, fingerprints, and a DNA swab of children to keep on file at the Police Station. Parents also get to take home a safety packet of info. After participating, kids will receive a FREE ice cream cone from Licks!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Hello ladies, I know, I know. You are probably tired of hearing about this relay that some of us are doing this August, however, I am asking one last time. Would anyone like to run this with us? We have 2 spots available and we would love for you to join us. It's going to be a blast! It's Friday Aug.15 and Sat. Aug. 16. I have a blog set up for the relay if any of you would like to check it out. Just click on my name, I think it should direct you to it.
So if any of you are regretting not signing up, just talk to me!(:
Hope you are all having a wonderful break. I miss seeing all of you.
Take care,

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Chilly Picnic Fun

I meant to bring my camera out of my purse at the picnic today to snaps some pics to post, but I was too busy clinging to warm little Sydney and nibbling on yummy cookies and pineapple and summer sausage (in my mind, this was a very well-rounded meal).

Does anyone know who made the wheatberry salad? I want the recipe!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Caddies 4 Cure

Since I'll miss participating in Summer 2008 PS I Love You, I thought I'd share with you some of what 'Team Marquart' will be doing in Portland. You can learn more by viewing the website at Hope you have a great summer!!!

Funny Toddler Story

Ok. I’m new to blogging, but I thought I would share something funny that happened this weekend. On Saturday, Aubree, Lillian, Amelia and I were out enjoying the warm weather. Aubree (2 ½) was playing in the yard and in her little pool. I was feeding Amelia and Lillian when Aubree came running back to me with a big grin on her face and she said, “Mommy, I pooped. Mommy, I pooped and Maggie ate it!” Maggie is, of course, our dog. But Yuck! I try to keep a straight face and ask her “where do we go potty?” In the toilet she says, but I could still see the excitement in her face and she said again “Maggie ate it!” Oh the joys of kids!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Summer Session

Just a reminder that registration forms and payment are due this Thursday if you plan on attending the Summer Session. I will bring extra registration forms for anyone that needs one. If you plan on joining us for a summer of PS fun, please bring your payment to the picnic at McGee Park. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

yard work and odd jobs

Claire had recommended Mike Wood and I hired him to do some yard work one day.   He did a great job! He has a friend looking for work too.  His friend is Jason Butler and his number is 206-914-1350.  Mike's number is 425-829-7267.


Welcome to the Thursday PS blog. This will be a place for us to post news to each other, stay in touch over the summer and share what's great about being a mom on the Palouse.